By Heba Essam Before the discovery of Australia, the world assumed that all swans were white, and this was a firm belief based on evidence, but...
By Mariem ELTagoury Different cultures have various customs, but one thing that many cultures share is the taboo of talking about or discussing money matters openly....
By Mostafa Metwaly Egypt is moving forward in its strategic direction towards building a digital country. The country has worked to strengthen and develop the information...
By Yara ELhemely The WYF has announced that the agenda of the fourth edition has been available via website, social media, and the WYF application. It...
By Jailan Dahab The World Youth Forum (WYF) includes not only sessions, workshops, and activities, but also booths where international organizations, government institutions, and universities participate...
There’s plenty of discussion around the horrors of COVID. Around the world, we have seen thousands losing their jobs, schools closing down, health care systems...
By Jailan Dahab We always relate negotiations with diplomatic relations and businesses. However, this is not true given that negotiation is an integral part of our...
By Jailan Dahab In spite of our awareness of the devastating impacts of climate change and the loud calls for a holistic global climate action, creating...
By: Jailan Dahab & Omnia El-Sayed The dream came true! Youth from around the globe came to participate in so far three editions of the World...