The Forum
Some Important Workshops to Kick Off the World Youth Forum’s (Fourth Edition) Agenda

By Yara ELhemely
The WYF has announced that the agenda of the fourth edition has been available via website, social media, and the WYF application. It has also announced a number of critical issues that will be tackled, among which are life post-COVID-19 and major development projects such as Egypt’s “Haya Karima” (Decent Life), where two workshops will be totally devoted to these two topics.
Generation Z after COVID-19
Several workshops will be held in the first two days in preparation for the WYF. An important workshop in the agenda is the one under the title of “Perspectives of Generation Z after COVID-19.”
Asmaa Khamis, the organizing team leader of the workshop, stated that Generation Z refers to those born between 1995 and 2010, and they constitute around 35% of the world population, implying a youth bulge that can be positively used in the development of nations. “This generation was born during the technological revolution and possesses a natural competitive edge in technology. It is a generation characterized by tendencies towards consumerism and rejection of traditional solutions. They are indeed the generation of quick solutions,” explained Asmaa Khamis.
The main aim of the workshop is to find out a way to reduce the generation gap between Generation Z and the rest of the generations. That is why participants of different ages are invited.
“Haya Karima” (Decent Life)
Another equally important workshop is the one about “Haya Karima.” We interviewed Sara Nabil, an organizing committee member in the workshop. She said, “The purpose of the workshop of ‘Haya Karima’ is to demonstrate the efforts of the Egyptian State to achieve sustainable economic development and eradicate poverty.”
“Participants from other countries with similar conditions to Egypt are invited to the workshop. The purpose of such an invitation is to replicate the successful model of ‘Haya Karima’ in other countries,” added Sara Nabil.
The workshop is attended by a vast number of participants from the government, private sector, and civil society. The main product of the workshop will be a road map for policy recommendations offered for developing countries, prepared by youth from different countries of the globe.
More Workshops before the Opening
According to the latest statement by the WYF, many other workshops will be conducted, discussing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on different issues, including the Future of Africa, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), digital transformation, education, and the future of financial technology of developing markets.