The Forum
Booths You Need to Visit in This Edition of the WYF

By Jailan Dahab
The World Youth Forum (WYF) includes not only sessions, workshops, and activities, but also booths where international organizations, government institutions, and universities participate in order to promote and show their works, initiatives, and services.
We are proud to announce some of the government institutions, international organizations, think-tanks, and universities participating in this year’s edition:
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC):
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is one of our partners this year. Its Executive Director Ms Ghada Waly will participate as a panelist in a panel discussion entitled “Behavioral and Physiological Implications in a Post-Pandemic World.” Also, in collaboration with the WYF and Save the Children, the UNDOC co-organizes a workshop entitled “Post-Pandemic Education: Paths to Recovery.” Besides the aforementioned valuable interventions, in the UNDOC’s booth, you will have the chance to know more about the UNODC and its work. Coupled with using multimedia, the UNDOC team will raise the awareness of the attendees on issues that impact youth and that youth have a say in and are working to address them. These issues include (i) the “GRACE” initiative that aims to empower youth through education and innovation to fight corruption; (ii) the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda; (iii) Wildlife Crime; (iv) the UNODC Strategic Vision for Africa 2030. The team will also raise the attendees’ awareness of the UNODC Strategy 2021-2025. Additionally, the team will brief the attendees about how to join the UNODC and how to make use of the e-learning courses offered by the UNDOC for free.
Ministry of Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs:
The Ministry of Emigration and Egyptian Expatriates Affairs participates in the fourth edition of the WYF in order to present and raise the awareness of 5 of its projects and initiatives which are the Life Saving Boats, Speak Arabic, Egypt Can conference series, the National Strategy for Egyptian Youth Abroad, and the Egyptian German Center for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (EGC).
The “Life Saving Boats” is a presidential initiative which was launched in the closing session of the third edition of the WYF in 2019, with the aim of raising the awareness of Egyptian people living in rural areas across Egypt of the dangers of illicit migration. It also aims to enrich the youth’s knowledge of safe migration through the provision of alternatives, such as training, entrepreneurship promotion, and jobs creation.
The “Egyptian German Center for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (EGC)” was established in collaboration with GIZ in order to raise the awareness of the risks of illicit migration.
The “Speak Arabic” initiative aims to preserve the Egyptian identity, on one hand, and strengthen connection between Egyptian expats and their motherland, on the other. In 2021, the Ministry launched the “National Strategy for Egyptian Youth Abroad” in order to be the umbrella for all activities and events implemented and organized by the Ministry for the Egyptian youth living abroad.
The “Egypt Can” conference series aims to link Egyptian expats from different educational and professional backgrounds with their motherland. For the time being, five editions took place, with the participation of Egyptian expats, scholars, and expertise. They covered many issues, including investment and development and education.
The Haya Karima Foundation:
You will also see the Haya Karima booths on the sidelines of the WYF. Their purpose is to highlight how a nation-wide community development can promote entrepreneurship among poor people in rural areas. In the Haya Karima booths, you will see the products of a number of SMEs and handicraft projects operated with the support of Haya Karima.
Haya Karima is a national initiative aimed at ameliorating the socioeconomic conditions of poor people in rural areas of Egypt. In addition to the implementation of infrastructure projects, its interventions include the promotion of SMEs in order to ensure sustainability and help the beneficiaries to generate income.
The National Training Academy (NTA):
The National Training Academy is an incubator that aims to create a cadre of calibers and future leaders by enhancing their professional skills, boosting their knowledge, and raising their awareness of many issues. It offers numerous courses, namely, African Presidential Leadership Program (APLP), Executive Presidential Leadership Program (EPLP), and the Presidential Leadership Program (PLP). In addition to that, it organizes a group of training workshops and programs for the public Egyptian servants.
The Egyptian Center for Strategic Studies (ECSS):
The ECSS, an Egyptian think-tank, participates by a workshop entitled “Africa’s Post-Pandemic Future in the light of 2063 Agenda.” In the booth of the ECSS, you will have the opportunity to pick one of its publications, such as “Post-Pandemic Transformations.”
Turathna (Our Heritage):
Turathna also participates this year by showcasing its handmade products. It is an exhibition that takes place, on a yearly basis, with the aim of reviving Egypt’s traditional handicrafts and supporting small manufactures, artisans, and entrepreneurs to market and sell their handmade products.
So see you there at these booths, and at numerous other booths in the premises!