15 Lessons Learnt from the Pandemic

By Jailan Dahab
1. Family Matters More Than Anything Else
The outbreak of the Coronavirus has taught us many lessons and has triggered a paradigm shift not only in our daily routines but also in our habits, way of thinking, and decision-making skills. It has also redefined our ideals and values and has reshaped our behavior in the global era. Here are 15 lessons we can take away from the pandemic:
Before the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we used to live apart even if we were living under one roof. We were isolated and distracted in our virtual world, so that we had no chance to communicate with our loved ones or share our concerns with them. After the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we became connected to every single person in our families more than ever.
The Coronavirus, albeit of all complexities and what we have been through over the past 2 years, has helped us to rediscover the interdependence of generations and how badly we need our families to thrive when we feel down. Also, the pandemic has forced us to care more about and to check on our parents, grandparents, and children since many of us work from home.
2. Self-Care Is Good Not Only for You but for Your Family
Needless to say, self-care and pampering are crucial for our wellbeing and for the wellbeing of those around us, notably in the post-COVID-19 era. The pandemic has proved that pampering is not self-indulgence, given that it has already helped us to cope with non-stop horrors and to absorb shocks which have become the new normal and part of our daily chatter. In addition, the pandemic has taught us that self-care is not a luxury since it can boost our morale and immunity, thereby making us in good health. According to a European survey, 77% of the surveyed in the UK see self-care as important for our health.
3. It Doesn’t Matter How Old You Are
We always say “age is just a number” when we get older and when we would like to stress on the need to enjoy every single moment in our lives regardless of our ages and health conditions. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has redefined this adage since the Coronavirus has put everyone across the globe at the risk of getting infected and can take someone’s life no matter his/her age.
4. Appreciate Your Time
The global pandemic has generated what we call the “Corona time” that consists of the “time of lockdown”, “home office time”, and “quarantine time”. Such a new normality has indicated that time is money and that we cannot turn the clock back. It has also taught us how to steal a moment of joy during shocks and hurdles.
5. Appreciate What You Have
We’ve learnt to be grateful for what we have and not to take things for granted since what you have could be gone in the blink of an eye. Owing to the pandemic, we miss our old normal days and countless blessings, such as face-to-face interactions. We now have learned how to adapt to changes and seize opportunities. The pandemic has reshaped our thinking given that it has demonstrated how fortunate we are as opposed to underrepresented and less fortunate people who are uncertain about their future.
6. Simple, Small Pleasures Can Make Your Day
Given that the Coronavirus outbreak has forced us to stay at home, we have currently shifted our focus to small, simple pleasures. It has also helped us to immerse ourselves in our hobbies and simple things that make us happy. More importantly, it has helped us to discover our true selves, and our hidden talents.
7. Save, Save, Save
Studies show, in times of health emergencies and global pandemics, that individuals are more likely to save more money due to the individual’s risk perception. So the pandemic has made people more financially aware.
8. Doing Sport Is a Must
A British study in 2020 has, strikingly, found that physical mobility and workout could prevent us from infection and could boost our immune systems, where 38% of the respondents were at higher risk and susceptible to infection because they didn’t do sport at home.
9. There Is No Going Back, the Pre-COVID-19 Era Is Gone
Though many steps have been taken to promote digital transformation over the past years, the Coronavirus has accelerated the process since social distancing and lockdowns have pushed service providers to provide services and goods via digital means. Surprisingly, the concept of “tech for all” has been mainstreamed, given that old people resorted to using technology in order to place their orders and buy food.
10. Productivity Is Achievable Anywhere and at Any Time
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, millions of employees, workers, managers, and CEOs across the world have been forced to work remotely. Therefore, they have learned how to adapt with the new normal and to be productive as if they are at office. With the rapid advances in technology and the ever-increasing reliance on online and Zoom meetings, the employees no longer need to fly across the country or take a ride to attend meetings.
11. Nature Should Be Appreciated More
Due to partial and full lockdowns, people all over the world have a novel appreciation for clouds, trees, birds, and so on. A survey found that around 6 in 10 Americans appreciate nature more than the pre-COVID-19 era.
12. Get Ready for Sudden Changes and Future Shocks
Although we are waiting for the moment where the WHO announces the end of this nightmare, there are no signs indicating its end in the short-term. That is why, we should expect similar irritating incidents and tough slaps. We should capitalize on our experience and learn how to be resilient and adaptive in order to create sustained communities. As per Jeff Schlegelmilch, Director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University, there is a dire need to rethink our manufacturing capacities and to be entrepreneurial.
13. The World Is Small, We Are One
The global pandemic has unleashed the dark side of globalization and demonstrated the perils of the ever-increasing interdependence and interconnectedness on different levels. However, the positive thing about this pandemic is the promotion and rethinking of solidarity given that everyone is fully aware of the fact that the novel virus poses a threat to every single person around the globe regardless of his/her wealth, age, and location.
14. Goodness Still Exists
The global pandemic has rebuilt trust in humanity since people across different cultures and communities have seen collective action as a requisite for fighting the pandemic. For instance, community members gathered to procure and purchase face masks and provide face shields for healthcare workers when there was a shortage of disposable masks.
15. Mental Health Care Is a Necessity
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many adults have been under stress and depressed. Therefore, the global pandemic has promoted behavioral change since many adults consulted psychiatrists, and this has also dispelled the stigma against mental health issues and problems.