Dream like an Egyptian

Few years ago, Egypt embarked on a new era of achievements. With the initiation of the economic reform program by President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi, in 2016, the Egyptian Government implemented several national mega- projects to support economic growth and revive Egypt’s position in the region. In subsequent years, Egypt witnessed several changes at the social, political, and economic levels.
In February 2016, Egypt officially launched its sustainable development strategy entitled “Egypt Vision 2030”, to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) and achieve the aspirations of the Egyptian people in living a dignified and decent life. The strategy aims to achieve a competitive, balanced, and diversified economy that is dependent on innovation and knowledge. It aspires to realize justice, social integrity, and participation. The strategy is implemented through a balanced and diversified collaboration system, investing the ingenuity of the place and people to achieve sustainable development and improve the quality of life for Egyptian.
Accordingly, President El-Sisi, along with Egypt’s Cabinet of Ministers, began launching a number of projects, while ensuring their alignment with Egypt Vision 2030.

For many years, the Egyptian people complained about the lack of attention given to healthcare, despite its importance in the life of every citizen. Last year, Egypt took a crucial step towards improving the healthcare system, by approving the new Comprehensive Health Insurance Law no. 2 of 2018. The Law covers all citizens and aims to improve the healthcare system and provide better facilities.
In October 2018, President El-Sisi launched the ‘100 Million Seha’ or “100 Million health” campaign to provide free treatment to individuals in Egypt suffering from Hepatitis C in order to eliminate the disease across the country by 2023.

In 2018, Egyptians witnessed a moment of pride when Egypt jumped from 118th to 75th in the Global Roads Quality ranking, as a result of the National Road Project, which was put in place in 2014. The project added 5,000 km to the country’s road network, improving road safety and reducing traffic jams on highways, which was a daily concern for most Egyptians.

Egypt is currently building the Benban Solar Park near Aswan, with a capacity of over 4TWh. Upon completion, Benban is set to become the world’s biggest solar photovoltaic park and will avoid two million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions per year. The project supports the Egyptian government’s Sustainable Energy Strategy 2035, which aims to produce 20% of electricity from renewable sources by 2022.
Establishment of new cities

Work is currently underway in the New Administrative Capital, which was built to reduce the congestion in central Cairo and attract foreign investment upon completion. Built from scratch, the New Administrative Capital will house the Egyptian government’s 34 ministries, the Presidential palace, the Supreme Court, the Central Bank of Egypt, and the stock exchange. It will also be Egypt’s most high-tech city, and will include the tallest tower in Africa, the largest church in the Middle East and the tallest minaret in Egypt.
Egypt is resuming its leading role in the region. This wouldn’t have been possible without the willpower of a diligent government, headed by a strong leader who is determined to make a positive change and a supportive nation capable of striving to turn their dreams into a reality.