Fun & Games
What Is Your Pharaonic Zodiac Sign?

By Yara ElHemely
There are 12 zodiac signs in Egyptian astrology, each named after a god or goddess (with the exception of the Nile, which is named for the great river).
Interested in learning more about Egyptian astrology? Find out your Pharaonic zodiac sign below!
The Nile (or Satis)
Dates: January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, and November 18-26
The Nile is the source of life for Egyptians. People belonging to this zodiac sign are known for being creative, passionate, exotic, full of life, deep feelers, and insightful. People born under this sign make the best teachers.
Most Compatible with: Amun Ra, Set
Dates: January 22-31 and September 8- 22
Being the mother of the world, Mut is highly associated with water. People born under this sign are wise, shy, quiet, affectionate, loyal, and protective.
Most Compatible with: Amun Ra, Thoth
Amun Ra
Dates: January 8-21 and February 1-11
Being the god of creation and king of gods, Amun Ra offers people born under this sign the feeling of empowerment through compassion. People under this sign are intelligent, stubborn, confident, authoritative, and optimistic. They make perfect leaders.
Most Compatible with: Horus, Satis
Dates: February 12-29 and August 20-31
The Earth god symbolizes sensitivity and intellectuality. People born under this sign have high mental energy and are extremely spiritual. They easily tune to others’ feelings and are quite empathetic when dealing with others’ problems.
Most Compatible with: Set, Horus
Dates: March 1-10 and November 27-December 18
The god of the afterlife gives people under this sign strong generous and individualistic traits, yet leaves them feeling vulnerable at times as they can trust others easily. They are best known for their quick wit.
Most Compatible with: Isis, Thoth
Dates: March 11-31, October 18-29, and December 19-31
People born under this sign are inspired by the goddess of motherhood, love, medicine, children, magic, and peace, which makes them genuine lovers of life. They are known for their sense of humor and tendency to help others.
Most Compatible with: Osiris, Thoth
Dates: April 1-19 and November 8-17
The god of astrology, knowledge, and music makes people born under this sign diplomatic and wise. They are known to be creative, reliable, enthusiastic, and ethical people.
Most Compatible with: Bastet, Isis
Dates: Apr 20-May 7 and Aug 12-Aug 19
The god of the sky fills people born under this sign with strong will, even to the extent of being hardheaded. They are courageous, industrious, family-oriented, and positive.
Most Compatible with: Geb, Bastet
Dates: May 8-27 and June 29-July 13
People born under the sign named for the god of mummification are known to be introverted, sympathetic, and confident. They have a great deal of inner passion and are comfortable with the dark side of life.
Most Compatible with: Bastet, Isis
Dates: May 28-June 18 and September 28-October 2
People born under the sign symbolized by the god of chaos are known to be quite perfectionistic and agents of change and knowledge.They can get angry easily.
Most Compatible with: Satis, Geb
Dates: July 14-28, September 23-27, and October 3-17
People born under the sign symbolized by the goddess of fertility, cats, and perfume are known to be gentle, intuitive, spiritual, discerning, and in a continuous search of harmony.They are quite psychic and their interest in anything mysterious is massive.
Most Compatible with: Horus, Sekhmet
Dates: July 29-August 11 and October 30-November 7
Being born under the sign symbolized by the goddess of war and healing makes these people lively, impatient, and have a genuine love for authority. They have quite high standards for themselves and others.
Most Compatible with: Geb, Bastet